Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mathew Thomas

Mathew and I never ever spoke in all 7 years in our Presentation School stint. I don't think we were in the same sections ever. But Mathew Thomas became an instant star in my mind; when he was one of the few boys selected to do ball dance in primary school at the Presentation school annual day. I have no idea who he danced with. But I lived in an era or may be in my own mindset where little boys considered it un-cool to be seen talking to girls; despite wanting to; for the fear of being teased. In that scenario; dancing!; on stage!!; with 10 other girls!!!; with 1000 odd people watching!!!! (Oh My God!) would be enough incident for me to run away from home.
Already he was the star roller-skater in school and sometimes he won prizes that said he did skating for 12 hours non-stop. (wow! how did he do it.. but then.. didn't he have to....? may be there is a trick to it... ) random thoughts crossed my mind while I stood at the assembly while Mathew and sister Achamma brought back trophies from the REC Calicut Wheels competition or other events for very many years ; from the time I could remember. He inspired me to buy roller skates, and I inspired my brother to buy roller skates. I could not inspire myself to fall and hurt my knees. My brother started rolling on and would eat and sleep with them; till one day he inherited mine that was so unused that the ball bearings had got rusty.
May be it was eighth standard may be it was ninth; Mathew just shot up in height and had a rapid movement backwards in where he stood in the school assembly. Maybe that also gave him the reason to take permission to go to school in a bicycle. BSA - SLR - Maroon colour. With almost 90% of the route from Silver Hills to home being common; we started connecting. he showed me his cottage-looking house at Golf Link Road at Chevayoor. I have never been inside, but it looked lovely from the outside and Mathew talked about cocoa and pepper getting cultivated in plenty in his backyard and I used to visualised a huge playground full of black seeds and brown seeds that smelt like chocolate. Then he moved to Hill View Colony, where Praveen already stayed. I don't know the house number; but you drive straight into the colony, skip the first intersection and look for the last house on the left; that is his house. Keeping in touch wasn't an issue - in the five digit telephone exchanges that we had, I subtract 10 from my home phone number, it was Mathews. If I added 10, it was Calicut Medical College Ladies Hostel. Both came handy at different points in time. The first, to co-ordinate start times from home on bicycles, the latter to co-ordinate meeting times outside homes.
Then the usual suspects got rounded up again at Ouseph sir's house and Nambisan Uncle's house and as explained earlier in Anil P's write up; Ouseph sir; going by Mathew's maths marks; predicted Mathew's taking up engineering after school. and he did.
Post that, I met Mathew once in a cinema hall? not sure.. or was it at the railway station booking counter? anyway, he was straight out of a Beatles album - long flowing hair, printed shirts and very faded jeans. He visits once in a while and would take a mid-night bus that would take him to Kothamangalam at 6 in the morning! That was quick. He had evolved in life, like how all college goers evolve eventually. If not during first year, they evolve in the second or third year. By final year, one is actually so evolved; that sometimes it takes a warden or a hostel raid to put to back to ground reality.

Mathew moved to Pune, I moved to Lucknow. E-mails and messengers were being put to proper use those days, unlike the days of maniacally forwarded jokes. mattkanjickal and ashrk connected as online entities with yellow faces that had smileys that winked, in a language we had never ever spoken to each other before - even in the language class - English.

After a long break of may be 5 years, I heard from him again when his junior announced his arrival. I hope someday he reads this; and asks his dad "where was your cottage in Golf Link Road?". A different structure stands where his colonial cottage stood, but am sure he will feel the walls and rooms strongly enough to paint the picture for a young son to dream about.


Biju Meethaleveedu said...

Hey man i had almost forgot that Mathew live in that house.....which is now some charitable institution.....thanks for evoking those memories

Abhipraya said...

Hey I too had a classmate called Mathew Thomas whom I never spoke to through out college but caught up afterwards at a railway station :)

Just one suggestion about the template...this white on black things is cool n all but very straining to read so may be you should consider changing the background. Just a suggestion from someone with failing eyesight.

Raj said...

u n' matt may hav never spoken to each other in presentation, but i certainly did. I remember tht we were benchmates, tht too in the "Front Bench". payyanu athokke orkunnondo aavo !!!!!

Ann said...

Heey.. hw do u keep track of all this:) Ur memory is spot on.
I had no Idea my Bro danced with 10 lil ladies back in school. hmmm hw very interesting :)
too bad v dont have any pics to look back.

Ashok Radhakrishnan - (ashrk at yahoo dot com) said...

@Biju: Hmm he did. :)

Ashok Radhakrishnan - (ashrk at yahoo dot com) said...

@abhipraya: Taken your feedback. Increased font size :)

Ashok Radhakrishnan - (ashrk at yahoo dot com) said...

@Anna: That wonder-eyed little girl and a little brother named Jose! wow! time flies :)Thanks for reading.

Ann said...
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Ann said...

Gosh!Hats off 2 ur memory.
Its like this search-engine tht can retrieve any info from past!

My memory of u is of this super tall thin guy in uniform(with a very blurred face) lol
i think Ur bro got in touch wit me quit long back n' i was absolutely cluless @ tht point.